- Cops and Drug Dealers Cross The Line In New Series
“The Movie Network and Movie Central are premiering a new cop show today, but don’t expect another case-of-the-week premise. ‘These cops weren’t going to investigate anything because they think they know all they need to know, so it’s just a matter of what they’re going to do about it,’ said The Line co-creator George F. Walker in a recent interview. ‘They don’t follow procedures. They are past caring about their jobs.’” Read more.
Sometimes random thoughts on life and entertainment swirl together in my little brain and try to collide into one cohesive idea.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Interview: George F. Walker and Dani Romain of The Line
My interview with The Line co-creators George F. Walker and Dani Romain. Sorry again for the punny title - it's my default when I can't think of anything else: